The latest news to emerge out of Dell’s camp is the pending release of their latest desktop – the XPS 420. This powerful new PC will be utilizing an Intel Core 2 Duo, Extreme, or Quad Core (8MB L2 cache) processor. This will be built on the upcoming X38 Express chipset and will support up to 8GB DDR2 800 RAM, 1 PCI Express x16, gigabit Ethernet, and SATA II architecture with RAID 0 or 1.
The XPS 420 will also feature support for new technologies such as Xcelerator transcoding processor for transcoding video streams to MPEG-4 and a 3 x 2-inch Windows SideShow display. The display will be capable of displaying time, date, month calendar, and basic system stats by default. In its media mode the screen while allow you to control your multimedia folder, while the PC monitoring mode will display detailed system stats.
e premte, 24 gusht 2007
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